Everyone is making masks these days and we are no different.  I've used this as an excuse to dust off my sewing skills and to teach my daughters a few new tricks.  It has provided hours of bonding with my 12 year old and has allowed us to feel like we are contributing to the efforts of our friends and family to stay safe and healthy.  The mask that we've been making has been designed through a combination of research, trial & error and creativity.  

You'll need:
- 100% Cotton Fabric - cut into a rectangle measuring 7.5" x 15"
- 100% Cotton Fabric - cut into 2 strips measuring 1.5" wide x as long as your fabric will allow
- Sewing Machine
- 4 Straight Pins
- Iron
- Basic Sewing Know-How

This is our first attempt at making a useful video.  Take a look and give it a shot!

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